Worship Service
In-person worship service at 11:00 AM followed by Fellowship time with coffee, tea and snacks.
In-person worship service at 11:00 AM followed by Fellowship time with coffee, tea and snacks.
Easter Sunrise Service with Continental Breakfast to follow
We request that you wear a mask and practice social distancing.
Prep for Easter Sunrise Service.
We request that you wear a mask and practice social distancing.
Ash Wednesday service Sherwood United Methodist Church
Please do not come to church if you have any Covid symptoms or have been in contact with someone who has Covid.
Use the hand sanitizer as you come in & go out.
Please wear a mask at all times. We will not be singing at this time.
Of course we will maintain a 6 foot distance as much as possible which means-
Please fill the pews from Front to Back alternating pews
Maintain a 6 foot distance in the pew unless you’re with family
Leave the pews from back to front.
No Passing the Peace except from a distance-sorry
No hugging-we know you huggers out there!